Enneagram Coaching

What does the word Enneagram mean? The Ennea is Greek for nine and gram means figure, symbol, or drawing.

The Enneagram is one of the most powerful tools for team building, leadership development, and personal growth in the marketplace.

What differentiates the Enneagram from other tools? In a word, Introspection

Enneagram gives clarity to the “why’s” that bog us down, helping us discover the inner motivations, fears, needs, and desires at the core of our being. 

Enneagram Coaching is a great tool for individuals, couples, groups, teams, and organizations.

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Enneagram Types

Each personality type is represented by a number and has its own unique core fear, motivation, and desire.

We each have all 9 types within us. When we are stressed, strained, or in an unhealthy emotional state the attributes of our type takeover.


Relating Style

3 Centers of Intelligence

Body Types 3, 6, &9

Heart Types 1, 4, & 7

Head Types 2, 5, & 8

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Conflict Style

Needs/Wants Not Met

Hopeful - 2, 7, & 9

Reactionary - 4,6, & 8

Rational - 1, 3, & 5


Coping Style

Getting Our Needs Met

Pull-Back Style 4, 5, & 9

Resistant Style - Types 3, 7, & 8

Pursue Style - Types 1, 2, & 6